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Attention Network Marketers:

This Hidden Loophole Allows Me To Show My Presentation To 381+ People Per Week And Make 4 figures+ Per New Enrollment, Without Spending Any Money On Ads Or Having Any Tech / Marketing Knowledge. Here’s How:

March 2021

Hate working for someone else?

I did too…

And no I’m not some fake guru dancing around in front of my rented Lambo’s, hotel pools and high rises telling you how great life can be…

I’m a normal guy from "Sunny Cal" you’ve never heard of,

And I’ve got no desire to become the next marketing guru, public speaker or internet icon…

But I do have a desire to share what’s working for me… (because I don’t want anyone else going through what I did)

After all, I FAILED countless times in Network Marketing after giving it everything I had…

I called all of my friends and family, trying to get them to join or buy stuff… (like 50 times)

Cold contacted strangers every. single. day. trying to get them to join or buy stuff...

Drove to hotel meetings every week to “show the plan”…

Went to a motivational conference every 2-3 months…

And all I was left with was some good friends, thousands of dollars down the drain and still, a soul sucking job.

So I tried something new...

I clicked on an ad from a guy who claimed he created “a system” to build his business that was recruiting more people in a month than 99% of TOP recruiters were in a year…

He was making 4 figures+ per new recruit,

And had automated ALL of his downline training,

Without spending any money on ads or using some attraction marketing starter kit...

In the world I came from of stalking gas stations, spear chucking aunts & uncles and pleading with friends from my 2nd grade yearbook, this sounded like a load of you know what…

But it also sounded like my last resort.

So I purchased his “system” and masterclass.

(not out of intelligence) 

… Out of desperation.

After numerous years of failure I was literally willing to do anything to own my life…

To make sure I was able to take care of my family no matter what…

To actually make progress in the thing I’d told everyone I’d succeed at…

To be honest, I just wanted my friends & family to be proud of me...

I didn’t want to be the guy that kept chasing a “dream” that wasn’t getting him anywhere…

I didn’t want to keep getting the “pity” looks from my family whenever I told them my success “was just around the corner…”

So I took a leap of faith. 

I invested in his (Zach’s) system even when I’d been burned so many times before…

And within the next 3 days I discovered that EVERYTHING I was taught in network marketing was a LIE.

I discovered I didn’t have to slave away for 30 days to recruit someone only to make nothing from it and watch them quit,

That I didn’t have to post and pray on Facebook or lug myself to home parties every Saturday just to “get me one,”

I realized I could run my business as a REAL company and get paid to bring people TO ME on demand.

And I finally understood that success in this industry is not reserved for the magicians of the world and that anyone with

sound business principles and a few marketing secrets

could bring their vision into reality.

Now why do I tell you this?

Because I want you to avoid the same VERY time consuming mistakes almost everyone makes building a network marketing business...

I know people who’ve been diligently chasing freedom for 10 years that haven’t been able to quit their job yet,

And if you want to avoid that, then I want you to avoid the trap ALL networkers fall into...

And I want you to read the brand new Rebel Builders Blueprint Zach and I collaborated on so we can teach you just that.

You can click here to get your free copy:

Remember, it’s not just about getting the cars, houses and padded bank accounts,

None of that matters if you’re stuck in a broken system…

It’s also about avoiding the nightmare,

Avoiding the 40/40/40 plan,

Working 40 hours a day, for 40 years, to retire on 40% of your salary...

Don’t waste your life with level 10 skills in a level 2 opportunity.

Join me to discover how you can avoid the nightmare and who knows…

… maybe even live your dreams…

Talk soon,

Ken Norwood

In partnership with Zach Spear

P.S. - [Get rich quick opportunity junkies need NOT continue.] This IS NOT some Facebook post and pray body wrap system and this is NOT fake. This will take W-O-R-K. But at least it does work… 

See you soon…

© Copyright 2021 - Ken Norwood